No more than an hour after we got there, the house was filled with thick smoke because the macaroni and cheese had spilled over in the oven while baking. It was bareable at first, but after a while, most of the family had evacuated the house in search of fresh air.
The meal itself was pretty tasty, but I must admit that I was a little nervous about the food. Aaron's great grandmother was in her late 80's, and thus, she's been through some lean times during her life and she keeps everything including food for a long time. Aaron says her philosophy is that if the food package has not been opened, it is still good. He can recall getting barbeque sauce a few years ago that had expired in 1999! Fortunately, most of the food had been bought for that occassion less than a week prior.
Anyway, back to the story. The house had at least 10 people and the count was increasing. Besides the crowd of people, there were two small and very hyper dogs that took over the living room floor wrestling and running laps. Both were adorable, but shortly after we arrived and were all sitting in the living room Aaron says, "uhh, the dog's pooping on the floor." So you could say that it definitely made the conversation interesting.
Later on during dinner, we got to talking about some of the Christmas gifts that Aaron's
grandmother (grandmommy) had given out the previous year. Aaron's mom Lisa told us that most of her cousins got some really nice hand towels and other miscellaneous knick-knacks that grandmommy had likely had for 20 years in her house. In her package, was a scrotal support sac. Last year, the entertainment for the evening involved brainstorming uses for the support sac. I guess people had tears running down their cheeks from the hilarity. Among the better ideas were 1) a change holder for the review mirror 2) a christmas ornament that can hold two ball-shaped christmas ornaments 3) a tree topper.

A poker game ensued among the men, but I went upstairs and talked with some of the women, and most of them were older and after a while, I grew tired of sitting in the same place, so I played with the children and ran a game of hangman.
Shortly before we left, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and I accidently walked into a bad conversation. Aaron's twin brothers were talking to a guy named Terry with a lot of radical ideas. Earlier, I had met him and introduced myself to him, and despite the fact that he is married with two young daughters, he lifted my hand and kissed it. My skin crawled. After I walked into the kitchen, he asked me a question, I gave my opinion, and he ripped into me for it. Before I knew it, he was up in my face trying to intimidate me and dropping f-bombs every few words saying things things that I would be embarassed to repeat.
Shortly before we left, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and I accidently walked into a bad conversation. Aaron's twin brothers were talking to a guy named Terry with a lot of radical ideas. Earlier, I had met him and introduced myself to him, and despite the fact that he is married with two young daughters, he lifted my hand and kissed it. My skin crawled. After I walked into the kitchen, he asked me a question, I gave my opinion, and he ripped into me for it. Before I knew it, he was up in my face trying to intimidate me and dropping f-bombs every few words saying things things that I would be embarassed to repeat.
Of course, I felt offended by what he said to me, but the point I want to get across is the following: I never feel need to change a person's opinions. I think the most that I can do is tell my opinion and explain why I think that way and let the person make their own decision. I get frustrated when a person doesn't let up with their arguing and refuses to believe that maybe their ideas are not the only good ones. Most contentious issues have pros and cons to the multiple sides, and there's really not one true answer.
At the end of the day, I was really glad I went despite of some frustrationsf. Most of Aaron's relatives were wonderful, and I definitely have a few funny stories to take away.
Enjoy a few pictures!
My Family the night before at Gray's Cafeteria eating dinner and getting our pies
Playing Hangman with the kids
Aaron's younger brother Ryan, flashing the cash he won from poker
Me And Aaron 
So what would you do with a scrotal support sac?