Friday, July 13, 2012

Reflections and Intentions

Let's review June!   

1) Stick to the workout goals I set for myself:
I did a terrible job - I skipped an entire week of running.  I got a little burned out on running from doing so much, so I started throwing in other sports into the mix to keep it interesting.  So far, so good!

2) Plan a creative date night for us:
For Christmas, I promised Aaron a monthly surprise in 2012.  Instead of a date, I bought him a book about cycling.... that I ended up reading too : )

It's a great read about a guy whose life was changed through cycling:

3) Finish the art project (that we already started) for our spare bedroom:
I made progress, but it's not done.   Will post pictures when it's completed!

4) Survive living with 4 dogs in our house for a week:
We watched my parents' pair of chihuahuas while they were on vacation.  One of them is pretty unruly, but he turned out to be pretty fun.... except when he darted out of the house late one night, and I had to chase after him in my pajamas and flip flops.  Hello neighbors!

Here's a cute video of him playing with Angel (never mind my laughing!):

Aren't the sounds he makes hilarious?

5) Get mulch for the flower garden:
The weather decided to turn 100 degrees all of a sudden, so this may be a fall project....

6) Create a proposal for the Indianapolis Animal Welfare Alliance board to involve other groups' volunteers for the food pantry:
SUCCESS!  I presented to the board about getting all of the member groups involved with providing the food pantry with volunteers, and they were very supportive of the endeavor.  One group has already helped with providing volunteers.

More about the Alliance here:

7) Make headway on a large and exciting project for the pet foo pantry:
I made progress on this goal, but I am not quiiiiite ready to share details!

Ok, now for July intentions (a little late now that we're halfway through the month!): 

1) Finally finish that stinking art project!!!!
2) Work at least 10 - 20 minutes of Spanish practice in 5 days a week
3) Translate several documents at work into Spanish (this can double count for #2!)
4) Get up to 10 miles like my running training guide says (this should be fairly easy as I've already completed several 9 mile runs in the past month).
5) Clean out my car

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