Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fun weekend

I love Fall (so do lots of other people - just watch for Facebook and Twitter to explode with comments like: "Yay!  Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back!" or "Yummy - pumpkin muffins" or "Hooray for fall!"), and incidentally, we had a free-ish weekend just as Fall officially started.  We decided to take advantage of the time and great weather to do some fun things.

After we did some serious yard work on Saturday morning/afternoon (BLECH!), we headed to Adrian Orchards to hit up their Cider bar and walk around the pumpkin patch.  We bought a jar of apple butter, got a gallon of cider for ourselves (and 1/2 gallons for our parents).

The only fun part of the yard work was planting these mums . And check out my summer petunias - they are still hanging on!!  

The orchard is walking distance from my elementary school.  I remember taking field trips there as a kid . 

In front of the apple trees and pumpkin patch. 

A freaking adorable building.  This is the store portion of the orchard.  
Later that evening, we made dinner and started a bonfire and enjoyed the cider.

Sunday, we went to church, I did some of my marathon training (I'm doing a 20 mile run this week - EEEKK!!!), and then we met my father in law at Town Run Trail park for some mountain biking.  YEAAHH!!!!

We saw some deer while we were riding - I had to zoom from forever away, so they're hard to see.  I made a pathetic attempt to circle them in red... Trust me, it was cool to see them.  

Sadly, this park runs right by I-465, so these deer are hanging out in a dangerous spot.  We quickly moved on so that we didn't spook them into traffic.  

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